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Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Wow, what a blessing these past few months have been for me...I haven't taken the time to write in a while, although, I have written many blogs in my head during the day. Just can't seem to take the time to get it out.

A few weeks ago, my best friend since I was 3 left. She came for 11 days and we covered this island. Toured, climbed, swam, snorkeled, shopped, and ate, and then ate some more...It is one thing to have a friend, but one visit, there is no words to describe it!! Thank you Jen for coming here!

Then after she left, it was full speed ahead on blocks because she brought me my miter saw I have been needing. Can't believe she did that, but she knew that when she asked if there was anything I needed, she could get a crazy response...she sure did!! Things have just been so crazy with orders. Everyday orders come in and then out. I can't stop, I can't slow down, it keeps me sane and busy. Subbing has slowed down a bit, so I am able to constantly work on the orders. I have not had chance to catch up on new ideas and sets. Every time I post a new item, I get requests for them so I cant get ahead. I am taking the month of January off so I can come out with some new items! Stayed tuned to see more of Kreations by Kelly...